Spoiler alert: We're about to be biz besties. 👯‍♀️

LET'S TURN CLICKS INTO CLIENTS! In this (actually fun and helpful) 6-week online course, you will go from feeling frantic and frustrated with social media content creation to feeling calm and confident in knowing WTF is ahead, by creating a snazzy strategy that connects with your customers and infuses your posts with your personality… all in a way that doesn’t suck.

I believe that you are your brand. I want you to be able to get clear on how to better represent yourself and your products / services through your social media content. I truly believe this course will help so many people (hopefully including you) detangle the solopreneur chaos and experience more content confidence.

This course will actually be fun, doable, and will show you how to put the “YOU” in unicorn. ‘Cuz you’re a sparkly damn unicorn, baby! ✨🦄✨

Before I give you full scoop 🍨 on my social media content strategy course,
let's make sure it's a  good fit for you! 

My course was made for the busy biz owner (full-time or side-hustle) who dreams big and wears all.the.hats.

She is kind, creative, open-minded, free-spirited, a little messy 
🥴, and has a story to tell but is unsure how to do it effectively without losing her voice.

She's a solopreneur who needs to make the shift from clusterf*ck to clarity.

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar:

➟ You post on social media with no rhyme or reason, and you often feel like you’re flying by the seat of your pants with anything marketing-related.

➟ You often feel stressed and overwhelmed with trying to do ALL the things when it comes to running your business, and need ways to get more done in the limited time you have.

You know marketing is important, but ya don't really love it TBH, and you know you could be doing a way better job with a little guidance.

➟ You don’t feel very connected to the content you post, and wish your social media felt more cohesive.

➟ You spend endless time racking your brain on things like topics, photos, graphics, captions.

➟ You sooooo don't wanna have to dance on camera to get customers. 🥴

Sound about right?
Then you're in the right spot, my friend.

Welcome to my (super-cool, if I do say so myself) digital course that will help you go from feeling sucky to successful when it comes to the what / why / how of creating and implementing a social media content strategy that feels true to you.

Wanna know how? Just keep skimming… 

By the end of this course,  you will have: 

Learned how to get yourself a little more organized with all this “marketing stuff”.

Defined your target audience (and how to make content they'll actually care about).

Learned how to inject more of your unique personality into all your business-y stuff.

Developed a good mix of content pillars so you’re not just sell/sell/sell  24/7.

Learned how to make your feed aesthetics feel more cohesive with you and your brand.

Learned how to plan months of content in one sitting to save yourself tons of time.

Learned how to squeeze the most juice out of one piece of content to make life easy.

Learned how to encourage conversation on your account and engage with others.

... and a whole lot more,
 lifetime access! 

"This course was hands down the best investment I've made this year (in the last 3 years, if I'm being honest). Alycia is one of those people who doesn't just "do" marketing, she has a brilliant brain along with all her experience that makes her customized advice and feedback second to none for anyone's industry or situation. She's not just a "hype gal" (although she's so much fun in general), but she takes intentional time to work through your roadblocks, inspire confidence, and get you excited for unending possibilities! Let's just say when you ask her if you should go with door #1 or door #2....She'll just go ahead and unveil a 3rd, 4th, and 5th door you never even knew existed. Amazing educator, communicator, and genuinely kind human. I'm keeping an eye out for her next course to make sure I'm first in line!"

Kaitlyn Cerrato • Operations Strategist



👋 Hi! I'm Alycia Yerves.

marketer. designer. educator.
nacho enthusiast.

I'm the founder of Alycia Yerves Creative, an award-winning marketing/design agency based on the Jersey shore.

I spent 15+ years in the arts industry, marketing some of the biggest artists in the world — and now, I want to put the spotlight on YOUR brand.

My passion is untangling the business knots in your brain and weaving them into engaging content, because I believe every company has a story, and I want to help you tell yours.

I want to help you create a content strategy that feels like an extension of who you are so that you get the results you need, and the reactions you want.

I'm so happy you're here, and I want to help you make that shift from clusterf*ck to clarity!

"You are in the best hands with Alycia!!! She’s an amazing designer (she did my logo) and a super fun and knowledgeable educator (I took her course), but I have to say that my favorite way to work with Alycia was our brainstorming and collab sessions on Voxer (I signed up for the VIP option in her course - HIGHLY recommend).  

She is literally MAGIC when it comes to bringing your brand to life. I would send her multiple 15min streams of conscious/brainstorming voice texts, and she would reply with the most thoughtful and VALUABLE feedback! She helped me see in a whole different way and literally took my ideas to another level!! It was like I was throwing a bunch of paint at the wall and from my messy paint collage, Alycia would miraculously connect and weave the paint splats into a beautiful tapestry. She helped me see the full picture, literally bringing my brand to life right before my eyes!!  

I’m forever grateful for my time with Alycia. She’s helping my dreams come true, and I can’t wait for the next collab!"

Quincey Miller • The Corporate Oracle


Choose the option that feels right for you:

Self Study Enrollment

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the materials.
  • 4 training modules full of video lessons, delivered over 6 weeks
  • Support & additional training in a private community
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding 
  • and much more!
(total of $456)
(total of $438)

⭐️ VIP Enrollment ⭐️

You get everything in the Self Study level, plus:

  • Weekly group coaching Q&A sessions on Zoom with fellow VIPs
  • 1:1 Voxer office hours with me
  • My personal video review of a strategy component of your choice
(total of $1146)
(total of $1098)

Curious about  ⭐️ VIP level ⭐️  premium benefits? 
Get the full deets:

Weekly group coaching Q&A sessions on Zoom

Once a week, you will hop on Zoom with me and your fellow VIPs to share and discuss, brainstorm, and/or help detangle whatever's stuck.

Whether that’s content topics or system struggles, accountability, or even just the mindset shifts that can help calm the chaos of marketing anxiety.

In group coaching, you get to learn from the experiences of others just like you!

My personal video review of a strategy component

You’ll also have an opportunity to pre-submit a strategy component of your choice for me to review/audit and provide you with personalized feedback in the form of a video that you can keep.

When I create your personalized video, you’ll be able to see and hear me review your work – and your video will include feedback, ideas, insights, and more.

Get my eyeballs
on your stuff!

1:1 access to me via weekly office hours on Voxer

Voxer is a free Walkie Talkie-style messaging app for your smartphone with live voice, text, photos and more.

VIPs will have Voxer access to me for quick questions over the 6 weeks of course.

I will respond within 48hrs during my Voxer office hours: M-F, 10a-5p ET.

This is like having me in your back pocket for 6 weeks!

"After the first time chatting, I knew my brand was in the safest hands. Alycia LISTENS, provides insight and creates a lot of fun in the process. Not only did I feel understood but she took my vision to greater heights. I call her the fairy godmother of my business because what she does is truly magic."

Emily Griffith • Life Coach & Owner, felt Write

No matter which enrollment option you choose,
here's what's waiting for you inside the course:

 MODULE 01: Who The Heck Am I Talking To? 
(aka, the Discovery + Research Phase)  

As Springsteen would yell: “IS THERE ANYONE ALIIIIIIIIVE OUT THERE?!!” 🎤  

This first teaching module will be all about identifying and finding your target audience, (aka: your ideal customer) so you know exactly who you’re creating content for and who you want to work with – AND how to speak to them.  
We’ll be laying the groundwork, and digging into a crucial part of creating a killer content strategy that so many people skip (which truly breaks my heart). In reality, this step is literally the foundation you NEED to create content that connects with your audience and builds your know / like / trust factor – all while using your unique voice. Literally everything else springs forth from this step. Think about it: when you don’t take the time to define your audience and you just try to speak to everyone, you’re really speaking to no one. Btw, you're NOT for everyone – and that's ok, my friend. In fact, it’s awesome! 🙌
Module Highlights:

  • Outlining your goals for what you want your content to achieve
  • How to define exactly who your ideal client is (including how to think like them)
  • How to find where your target audience is and what they care about
  • How to position yourself as as solution to their need / pain points
  • How to be strategic about where/how to spend your time in connecting with them
  • What you can learn from your peers (aka, your “competition”, but I hate that word)
  • Downloads and resources to deepen your understanding
 MODULE 02: What the Heck am I Saying and Why? 
(aka, the Planning + Ideation Phase)
“Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”  ― Dr. Seuss

Now that you know WHO you are talking to, the second module will cover how to figure out exactly WHAT you want to say to your audience and WHY you are saying it. Putting these next two pieces together are so important for developing a content strategy that resonates with your audience, because you are telling your unique story. And there is only one you, my friend. And YOU are your brand. And you are what makes your business what it is. I’ll show you how to embrace your quirks and interests, and sprinkle them into your content as that extra little “confetti pop” in your marketing. For example, over the years, people have gotten to know me through my love of nachos, because I call myself a “nacho enthusiast” in my Instagram bio, website, and lots of other places. So many of my client inquiry emails and DMs start with: “you had me at nachos”. Jerry Maguire vibes, anyone?! 😆

Module Highlights:
  • How to feel (a little) more comfortable with self-promotion
  • Considering the best content format(s) for your target audience
  • Learning how to clarify your brand’s online persona & voice
  • Understanding how to select your content pillars so everything feels more like YOU, and you never have to scramble to figure out “what the heck do I post about?!” again because you have a bucket of go-to topics you can always rely on. (I’ll even share some of my personal favorite pillars that any business can use right away!)
  • Guidance on how to begin curate your visual world / aesthetics so your feed feels like a “magazine” of your brand
  • Tips on utilizing stock photography, Canva templates, and more
  • Assessing your past results to “rinse and repeat” your best-performing content
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding 
 MODULE 03: When & How the Heck Do I Get it Out There? 
(aka, the Creative + Publishing Phase)
Lemme share my mantra: 👉 Done is better than perfect. 👈

In the third module, you will learn how to organize your existing assets, plan out and create your future content, and get it out there – in a way that is actually doable and no longer a clusterf*ck. 🥴 This is a huge step in your overall strategy, ‘cuz this is where you can get really creative, decide what you want to promote and when, and pick and choose what planning processes work for you. I’ll also be sharing some convenient & time-saving processes that are easy-to-implement and replicate! And y’know what? Something is better than nothing. Life is always gonna happen. We all fall off the wagon of the best-laid plans. But the important thing is getting back on when we can and when we want to.

Module Highlights:
  • Organizing and gathering your existing assets so you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to content creation, including a simple system for creating and growing an easily-accessible evergreen content library in the palm of your hand 
  • A creative “heartstorming” lesson where there are no wrong answers and you’ll braindump all your ideas for what’s coming up that you want to promote and talk about
  • Understanding the cadence of how to create a good balance of informational content vs promotional content 
  • The guiding principle for how to stay front of mind through each phase of your customer’s buying journey
  • Behind the scenes on how I create a content calendar, including my “work backwards” method
  • Tips for writing captions, creating graphics & sharing photos – including one of my favorite copywriting hacks ever, that completely personalizes the way your writing “sounds”
  • Three of my absolute favorite ways to save time while prepping content – batching, repurposing past content, and creating many pieces of content from ONE piece of content… seriously, this part alone is magic!
  • Guidance on how to keep it all organized for your own damn sanity
  • Exploring some of my fave apps, tools, and sites that can help you work smarter, not harder
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding
 MODULE 04: How the Heck Do I Help Get it Seen? 
(aka, the Reach + Engagement Phase)
Gotta break the news to ya, my friend: Social media is not your soapbox. It’s your dinner party. (Tacos, amirite? Save me a seat, kthxbye.) 🌮🌮🌮 

By this point, you have almost all of the pieces in place, but how do you know that your fantastically authentic content will actually get the eyeballs and actions you want? In the fourth and final module, we’ll explore the importance of engagement – encouraging it on your own content, and participating in it yourself with others’ content. This is the other crucial step that so many entrepreneurs skip when utilizing social media marketing. Arguably, it may be the most important step of them all! We’ll dig into what engagement is, exactly… how to do it effectively, some different strategies that work for me, and how to analyze your results so you can assess how well your efforts are paying off. Stop obsessing over creating conversions, and get obsessed with creating conversations instead.

Module Highlights:
  • Best practices for optimizing your social media presence so it’s easy for folks to find you and connect with you
  • Understanding several different types of engagement
  • My favorite methods for encouraging engagement on my own content
  • Strategies for how to engage with others’ content and build relationships (whether with ideal clients, your community, leaders in your industry, potential collaborators, and more)
  • Understanding where best to put your efforts in who you spend time engaging with
  • How to create a easy-to-do “engagement routine” for yourself
  • Learning how your audience can be an extension of your marketing team
  • Insights & measuring your results
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding  

"My experience with Alycia could not have been better … she heard my unique work/social media challenges, was able to explain them back to me in a way that made me better understand them, and gave me ideas I could start on immediately! Alycia just sees the web/social ecosystem in a way that only a talented expert could.  She not only helped me understand how I could effectively build my brand online, but she also made it feel much more doable (and a lot less scary!) I honestly can't recommend her enough, and I will definitely be back with future project needs.”

Madeline Orton, Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker and journalist



Of course (get it?!), I come bearing gifts – and the benefits are super-juicy!

Check out these value-packed bonuses you get just for enrolling in the course:

6 weeks of live Q&A’s with me inside our members-only Facebook group

$597 value

This private Facebook group is exclusive for students of the Fall 2023 class of Content Strategy Doesn’t Have to Suck, which means everyone is on the same path as you. You’ll be able to ask questions, go deeper on lesson areas where you might be getting stuck, network with fellow solopreneurs, and a whole bunch more!

You’ll get:

  •  6 weeks of live Q&A sessions with me! Each week, you’ll be able to pre-submit questions in advance and I’ll be host a weekly live broadcast session where I help you get unstuck so you can keep things moving with better understanding of what you’re learning. 
  • Course section comments: This is where/how you’ll be able to pre-submit questions for each course module as it’s released (which I’ll then be able to answer in my weekly live Q&A sessions). This is also a great way for us all to engage together directly about the content you’re learning in that specific section. 
  • Calendar of important events (such as when each course module will be released, when the live Q&A’s will take place, and more). 
  • A supportive and fun community of fellow students who are taking the course right alongside you, who you can chat with and encourage and learn from – and know that you’re not alone. Maybe you’ll even find an accountabil-a-buddy?! 
  • Connection with like-minded peers who are all working towards the same desired end result: the move from clusterf*ck to clarity via the creation of a content strategy that doesn’t suck. 

Things To Keep in Mind: A handy reference guide full of my tips, recommendations, and best practices for social media marketing

$97 value

This helpful guide is the same exact one I send to each of my private content strategy clients at the end of our project. It has a bunch of my tips for ongoing social media management, optimization, audience curation, aesthetics, tagging, engagement, design, automation, and more.

Lead Magnet Magic Kit: Let's finally build your email list!

$297 value

Now that you'll have many more potential customers finding you on social media (because of your awesome new content strategy I'll be helping you create), let's actively grow your email list at the same time! You'll receive: My Email Quickstart Guide – a step-by-step resource to kickstart your email marketing journey, a curated list of 25 lead magnet ideas to ignite your creativity, and a customizable Canva template to make creating your first lead magnet a breeze. No more guesswork – it's time to grow your email list with intention!

Private 30-min 1:1 Strategy Session with Me

Value= $197
During our 1:1 strategy session, we can dive deep into YOUR business, YOUR social media content, and YOUR goals. Whether it's brainstorming ideas, fine-tuning your strategy, or tackling your burning questions – this session is all about YOU and YOUR success. You'll also get a recording of our session for you to keep.

The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Checklist Bundle: The easiest way to keep track of it all!

Value= Priceless
I've compiled your social media marketing tasks and broken them down into a daily / weekly / monthly / quarterly / yearly list structure that will help you take back control of your social media presence and actually get results.

Content Caboodle: Simplify your content creation with this done-for-you kit of social media assets!

$297 value
This content kit will save you so much time while also knocking your socks off. Get a jumpstart on a customized content strategy with these done-for-you goodies! Includes: 15 customizable Canva templates for your social media graphics, 150+ content prompts for you to expand on to make your own, & a resource roundup for where you can source stock photos for your content

Website Power Pack: 4 Rad Resources to Supercharge Your Site

$27 value
Includes: Essential Website Cleanup Workbook, Website Boost Blueprint, Quick Reference Style Guide, & Design Inspiration Worksheet! This all-in-one solution was created to supercharge your online presence. Now that you're focused on driving traffic to your site via your social media content strategy, let's unleash your website's potential so that you win more clients!

That's What She Said: Turning Your Testimonials Into a Marketing Machine

$47 value
Wouldn’t it be awesome if your customers could HELP do your marketing for you?! Chances are, you’ve gotten (or will get) at least a few testimonials or reviews about your business. Maybe they’re buried on your Facebook page, or collecting dust in your inbox. Okay, so you’ve received them… great. But now what??? Well, I’m going to help you gather those kind words and put them front and center so other potential customers can see the awesome results they can expect by hiring you. Just one more way to grow that know / like / trust factor, my friend!


  • Email updates from me over 6 weeks of course. 
  • A private online portal where you’ll login to access your course lessons & materials. 
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials in each module to further engage you and deepen your understanding. 
  • A completion certificate to celebrate when you’ve gone thru all of the modules. 
  • Some fun playlists full of some of my fave music to listen to while you work… different vibes, different themes!  
  • Access to the course modules, lessons, and materials for the lifetime of the course – including any time I may update it in the future… you’ll get access to the most-current version for the lifetime of the course.

Sometimes ya just need to put pen to paper... 📝

"I had the pleasure of first working with Alycia on my musical BE MORE CHILL at Two River Theater, where she handled all online marketing for the show. I can confidently say that she is the most talented person I have ever dealt with in a marketing capacity at a theater. The content she created for the show was so in line with the spirit of the material and so fun, surprising, and electrifying that it engaged the cast and creative team as well as the fans ... The show is currently experiencing a huge of amount of success amongst online fan communities and a large part of that fandom is centered around content created by Alycia. She is simply the best - cool, brilliant, fun, and generally badass.”

Joe Iconis, Tony-Nominated Composer & Lyricist

Are you excited yet?!

To recap, here’s just a few of the awesome goodies I’ve got waiting for you inside:

🔸 4 implementation modules teaching you everything you need to experience the shift from sucky to successful when it comes to the what / why / how of creating a content strategy that feels true to you.

You’ll learn how to get clear on better representing yourself and your products/services through your content. You will go from feeling frantic and frustrated to feeling calm and confident in knowing WTF is ahead, by creating a snazzy strategy that connects with your customers and infuses your posts with your personality. I even carve out specific time for you to do the actual work!

🔸 How to define and understand more about your target customer (and how to find them and make content that will resonate with them).

So many people skip this crucial step – but not you, my friend! This piece is literally the foundation you NEED to create content that connects with your audience and builds your know / like / trust factor – all while using your unique voice. Literally everything else springs forth from here!

🔸 My proven process for developing your brand’s persona, content pillars, and aesthetic world so that your hot-off-the-presses content strategy feels like an extension of who you are.

Because you are your brand, and YOU are what makes your business what it is.

🔸 Guidance on creating engagement so your content actually gets seen...

...and you’re not just shouting into the void like that mountainside gopher that went viral.

🔸 Three of my absolute favorite time-saving strategies for content planning

...seriously, this part alone is magic!      

…all in a way that doesn’t suck.

Everything listed above
(including the bonuses) adds up to

But you can join today for just...

Self Study Enrollment

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the materials.
  • 4 training modules full of video lessons, delivered over 6 weeks
  • Support & additional training in a private community
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding 
  • and much more!
(total of $456)
(total of $438)

⭐️ VIP Enrollment ⭐️

You get everything in the Self Study level, plus:

  • Weekly group coaching Q&A sessions on Zoom with fellow VIPs
  • 1:1 Voxer office hours with me
  • My personal video review of a strategy component of your choice
(total of $1146)
(total of $1098)

"Alycia has done wonderful things for my business and brand. In the few months we've been working together, I've had many customers commenting on my social media and website upgrades. On top of that, Alycia [is] SO easy to work with- [she takes] the time to truly understand you and your brand, and it's clear [she cares] about [her] clients' success."

Laurelyn Pearson
Owner, Wish Upon a Jar

 “Alycia is not only smart (because she is!), she also shares her wealth of knowledge/her years of experience. She is always helpful, patient, giving, kind... And she's creative! 

Her thinking is out of the box and I appreciate that! You can't get better."

Amy Tipton
Freelance Editor, Feral Girl Books

 "Having a brainstorming session with Alycia is like having a virtual creative coffee catch up with a good friend. In addition to her enthusiasm, she brings years of experience and her unique perspective to the table ...
I am looking forward to consulting with Alycia again in the future and catching up not only over coffee but getting a creative buzz!"

Corinne Schaefer
Founder, Creative OPERAtions

BTW, I’m proud to offer a risk-free
14-day money-back guarantee!

I hear you. I’m a small business owner, too. This is a significant investment, and investments can be scary! I know what it’s like to barely be able to pay my bills, not be sure what courses or tools to invest in, and be totally overwhelmed by everything out there that claims it will “help me”. I sure felt that way when I opened my doors in 2016… I didn’t want to spend money at all – especially on something that didn’t give me any kind of a guarantee. 

So let me calm your solopreneur nerves a little bit, my friend: You’ve literally got nothing to lose. 

I’m inviting you to take my course for a spin around the block, put the top down, blast the tunes and the A/C, and see what you think about the experience.

By Day 14, you will have had access to the first two course modules, which means you will have had the chance to define your target audience and even develop your content pillars before making your final decision to commit to the remainder of the course! 

I’m so confident that you’re going to love what I’ve created JUST for you, that I’m happy to put this guarantee in place. I just ask that you give it a true shot. And if you do that, and you honestly feel it’s just not right for you – I will give you your money back. And I’m not gonna make a “whole big thing” about it either… no homework or proof needed, this is on the honor system and we’re all adults and I trust you. So if by Day 14 you give it a decent shot and just don’t feel like it’s a good fit, please reach out. I may still offer you some help, but if that doesn’t clear things up, then I’ll gladly issue your refund. 

"I cannot recommend Alycia enough. First of all, and most importantly, she knows her stuff. She is incredibly knowledgeable about social media platforms and how they work, and very skilled at creating content that is eye-catching, fun, and informative - and she knows how to tailor the content to particular audiences. She's full of fantastic ideas, and executes them from start to finish with talent and skill. In addition to this, she is a joy to work with. Easygoing, kind, and always fun to be around, she's the kind of collaborator who can make an idea ten times better than what you had imagined in your head. I've recommended her many times, and I will continue to do so - I can already pretty much guarantee that once you work with her, she will fast become your secret weapon."

Anika Chapin • Director of Artistic Development at Signature Theatre

Self Study Enrollment

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the materials.
  • 4 training modules full of video lessons, delivered over 6 weeks
  • Support & additional training in a private community
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding 
  • and much more!
(total of $456)
(total of $438)

⭐️ VIP Enrollment ⭐️

You get everything in the Self Study level, plus:

  • Weekly group coaching Q&A sessions on Zoom with fellow VIPs
  • 1:1 Voxer office hours with me
  • My personal video review of a strategy component of your choice
(total of $1146)
(total of $1098)

"Alycia GETS her clients - she is SO thorough, creative, and SO much fun to work with. I cannot say enough great things about her. I can't imagine anyone else would have seen what I needed clearer than she could, because I couldn't put all the things together that were in my brain when it came to this project ... I’m so excited to be working with Alycia again with the new course she’s creating. I’m always grateful for her help and guidance when it comes to the authenticity of my brand and how to present myself. There was no way I would be missing the launch of her first class. I needed to be in on it!"

Dr. Stephanie Huth Lipnicki, DACM, LAc • Owner, Natural Alternatives Center for Wellness

Got some more Q’s?
Here's some more A’s:

A: The first implementation module (MODULE 1: Who The Heck Am I Talking To?) will be uploaded into your course portal on Monday, October 1, 2023. The modules will be released to you weekly for 6-weeks.  

A: When you enroll, you’ll get an email that will grant you immediate access to login to the online course portal, where a welcome module will be waiting for you to watch right away! The welcome module will go over some orientation info, as well as instructions on how to join the students-only Facebook community so you can jump right in and get to know your classmates! The first implementation module (MODULE 1: Who The Heck Am I Talking To?) will be uploaded into your course portal on Monday, October 1, 2023. The modules will be released to you weekly for 6-weeks.

A: The program is designed for self-study, so there is no perfect answer here. Though the modules are released one week at a time (to keep things streamlined), you can work as much or as little as you like and as you’re able. I do work in some implementation periods for you as well, but it’s a good idea to try to give yourself some “admin time” or office hours each week to prioritize working through the materials. Maybe that’s 1 hour a day, or 2 hours a week, or 5 days of 20 min chunks, etc… find the timing that works for you, because when you actually block it out on your calendar, it feels more real. And remember you’ve got access to the materials for the lifetime of the course!

A: This course is geared more towards the intermediate level student, but beginners will benefit from this as well because it’s your opportunity to totally kick things off on the right foot! Folks who use more advanced or technical strategies in their business marketing may find that they are a bit too far ahead of what I’m teaching here to fully benefit, though I firmly believe that revisiting the foundation of your strategy and developing content that feels more like you is never a bad thing!

A: Congrats to you on having some team support in your biz! I am confident that you (and your small but mighty team) will be able to learn from so much of what I’ll be teaching inside this course, and you’ll be able to collaborate with them to implement many of these concepts! It’s designed for a solopreneur who is swamped and stretched for time, but I bet you’re those things, too! 😉

A: Yes! The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and will remain inside the private Facebook group so you can watch them whenever you’d like.

A: Being totally honest, there is some tech involved. However, much of it is totally optional (such as additional tools, apps, sites, that I may recommend throughout). But rest assured, the overarching concepts and process that I teach uses a relatively low-tech approach. If you really wanted to, you could do a heck of a lot of it with just pen and paper! 

A: Unfortunately, no. The private online community is a Facebook group, so you would need to have (or create) a Facebook account to join and participate. However, joining the community is not a requirement for the course. It is an extra benefit because I love the energy that the group creates where everyone is learning/discussing the content, but you will still have a fantastic experience by skipping the Facebook group and just completing the modules within the online portal.

A: Queen of Overwhelm, here! I hear you. Everyone is different, so I cannot say for sure if you will become overwhelmed or not. But I can tell you that I have designed this experience very carefully and intentionally so as to literally bring calm to the chaos of our solopreneur brains. By releasing each module one at a time, it reduces the chance of filling frazzled. And with the self-study style, you can consume as much or as little as you want each time you access the materials or log into the portal. And you can always ask questions in the members-only group, and I may even answer your question in a weekly Q&A so I can help you get unstuck!

A: You will have access to the course modules, lessons, and materials for the lifetime of the course – including the most-current version for any time I may update it in the future. You can access the materials as much or as little as you’d like for the lifetime of the course.

A: Yes. Whether you choose self-study or VIP level, you will have the option of making a one-time payment in full, or choosing a payment plan.

A: Proud to offer a 14-day risk-free money back guarantee! You’ve got nothing to lose, and can access up to the first two course modules before deciding if it’s a good fit for you. Scroll up just a little bit further on this page to read the full details on my refund policy.

A: Hi! I’m Alycia Yerves – marketer, designer, educator, and nacho enthusiast. I also happen to be your teacher and I can’t wait to meet ya! You can learn more about me here.

A: The VIP level of this course includes some 1:1 time with me! If you're interested in additional 1:1 offerings, email me.

A: Some really cool stuff, including a 1:1 session with me, Voxer access to me, and more! Click here to get the full VIP deets.

" ... I was asked to join the Broadway company of Funny Girl and one day afterward, I was asked if I could go on in the show with the script in hand! ... I wrote a Facebook post about it ... My friend Alycia Yerves read the post and wrote me: "The people who need people hired the best person! Obsessed with this story. Continue to say yes to the universe, it’s inspiring AF. PS: You should make the post public so it can be shared." I hadn't thought to make it "public". But Alycia knows her business so I took her advice. Then I went back to work. Within 24 hours the post had gone viral! The media was reaching out to me personally and to the press dept of the show to interview me. While I was not able to pursue these requests because I had an enormous job to do in a short time these opportunities for self marketing and promotion were none the less there all because Alycia had the expertise and wherewithal to see those possibilities. I think that's at the heart of good public relations, an ability to see the trends and identify the opportunities. And Alycia saw that before it ever occurred to me ... Thank you Alycia for that simple suggestion and its massively beneficial consequences for me. As of today, 4400 'likes' and 1400 'shares'."

Barbara Tirrell, Broadway Actress, Funny Girl

Still not sure? Keep reading!

Well hey there, my nail-biting, back-and-forthing, foot-bouncing, popcorn-chomping, fence-sitting, friend! 

If you’ve made it all the way down to this portion of the page, then it seems that you’re still not 100% certain that my course is for you – even though it’s risk-free because of my 14-day money-back guarantee! But I know that having nothing to lose hasn’t quite yet motivated you to enroll though, so let me share a few other things I know about you:


You are seriously sooooo over how much time (and stress) is involved with marketing your business, and are feeling burnt out, drained, and zapped of energy & inspiration. You know there has to be a better method to the madness and badly want to free up your time so you can spend more of it with the people, places, and things that truly light you up. You want to work ON your business, and not spend so much time IN it. Ya can’t pour from an empty cup!


You have big dreams, care deeply about your work, and want to tell your story to the world. You just need a little guidance in how to do it authentically and effectively. You see how some of your peers are doing it on social media and you get frustrated (among random bursts of productivity and inspiration) that it seems so easy for them, and wish that you could understand how to get better-ish at the whole “businessy” marketing thing and actually have a digital presence that represents who you are and what you believe.


You work hard and try your best, but sometimes get distracted or deflated and “fall off the marketing wagon”. But you’re starting to learn that is ok because the important thing is getting back into the flow when you can. You’re looking for a doable and flexible solution to your marketing struggles, ‘cuz life is messy and sometimes sh*t happens. And ya know what? That’s ok. Because you're finally beginning to embrace the idea that done is better than perfect.


I’m gonna go there: Solopreneurs are a certain kind of crazy – and I say that as a card-carrying solopreneur myself! Like, why in the heck do we voluntarily do this shit to ourselves? Why choose this chaotic, stressful, uncertain path? I believe it’s because we are creative dreamers, determined to use our story / talents / passions to help others (and make money doing so!) I know that there’s a fire inside you, and you have a unique story to share with the world. Let’s go back to “your why”, and infuse that into digital storytelling to create content that connects with your people.

I literally cannot stress enough how much I love this stuff. I love to help people understand what they’ve got going for them. Because, you, reading this right now? You’ve got so much going for you!



You are what makes your business what it is.
So let’s show off the things that make you who you are, because YOU are your brand.

I know you can do this. And I’m here for you every step along the way.

"Alycia has been working with me on all things brand identity; from the very foundational 'what sets me apart' to the very practical 'how do I infuse my brand into my marketing materials.' The time she has spent with me brainstorming alone has been invaluable.  When Alycia and I began speaking I couldn't even articulate what I wanted my brand to be. All I knew about branding and consistency was that I needed some, and didn't have it. She was able to listen to me describe my values, my goals for my brand, the feelings I wanted my customers to experience when reading my marketing materials or interacting with me online - and put it all together ... I cannot recommend her highly enough; if you're on the fence, hire her. You won't regret it."

Michele Dillinger • Online Educator

It’s time to get content-confident and make that shift from clusterf*ck to clarity. 

If you’ve made it this far, you are a freaking CHAMP. I’m excited that you wanna know more about this course, and that you’re truly taking the time to read through everything with intention so you make the best-informed decision for yourself and your business. Double high-five to you!

If you take anything away from my big-ass schpiel, let it be this: Despite how they may portray themselves online, NO ONE is perfect and no one has social media marketing 100% “figured out”. We’re all just bumbling around, existing, and trying to do the best we can for our business with what we know. So let go of that imposter syndrome, my friend. Nobody knows wtf they’re doing.  

Social media is not one-size-fits all and things are always changing. Because of that, I am not teaching you a cookie cutter approach.

I want you to be able to create a content marketing strategy that can stand up against the ebbs and flows of the online world — AND your life!  

The creation of a doable strategy that’s infused with content that feels like you is the roadmap you need that will spark connections with your target audience, and help you feel inspired and excited to embody your brand while telling your story.

I run my own business too, so I know how tough it already is to find time to plan out your content when – HELLO?! You’re wearing all the hats while doing all.the.things.all.the.time. 🎩👒🧢🎓

And it feels like there’s always something. Amirite? Some new thing to learn, some new issue to deal with, some new client or project eating up all of your precious time. Something constantly pulling your focus from being able to work ON your business, forcing you to only work *in* your business.

You're overwhelmed, running on little more than a steady supply of caffeine and chaos. And maybe you had cheese for dinner AGAIN?! 🧀🧀🧀

Well lemme ask ya this, my friend: wouldn’t it be cool to be able to take a damn breath and finally feel like you (somewhat sorta) have your business-y sh*t together?!

Wouldn’t it be great if social media marketing didn't always feel like such a time suck?

Don’t you think you’d feel way less stressed if marketing felt a little more do-able, streamlined, organized, and a whole heck of a lot more fun? And maybe you’d even enjoy it?!

What would your life look like if you could free up more of your time to enjoy all the good stuff that lights you up? Your passion, your calling, your family, your loved ones, your pets, your hobbies, your Netflix queue?

There's nothing quite like the feeling of creating something meaningful and watching it grow. And I truly believe this course will help so many people (hopefully including you) experience more content confidence and make the whole marketing thing a heck of a lot easier!

Over the years, I’ve coached clients and colleagues on crafting a custom content strategy that connects with their communities and creates engagement, increases brand awareness, and results in sales. I realize that lots of business owners want/need this help but are not yet ready to invest in hiring an agency on retainer to do the work for them.

But that didn’t change the fact that I still wanted to find a way to help small business owners struggling with the neverending marketing marathon.

So I created Content Strategy Doesn’t Have To Suck for all the burnt-out-with-big-dreams biz owners just like you. ✨

I know this course will save you time, improve your marketing efforts, and help you connect with your target audience in a meaningful way. You'll also have a better understanding of how to tell your brand story in a way that feels authentic and true to who you are.

Did I mention, you’ll have lifetime access to the course? Which means, if I update the core program anytime in the future after it’s launched, you’ll get those updates hot off the press, too, for the lifetime of the course!

Your audience is already checking you out on Google and social… let’s make sure they find ya, and give them a chance to connect with what you’re putting out there in your own unique way. ‘Cuz why be like everyone else? That’s so boring.

You are your brand. And you are what makes your business what it is. Be brave enough to be yourself, and you will find your people.

So, are ya in?! Don’t put it off another month or another season or another year. Your time is now, and you deserve this. I’d so love for you to be part of this magical experience.

I also believe that learning should be fun, so I promise: it won’t suck.

See you inside!

Happily sharing knowledge & nachos,

Self Study Enrollment

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the materials.
  • 4 training modules full of video lessons, delivered over 6 weeks
  • Support & additional training in a private community
  • Downloadable worksheets and additional resource materials to further engage you and deepen your understanding 
  • and much more!
(total of $456)
(total of $438)

⭐️ VIP Enrollment ⭐️

You get everything in the Self Study level, plus:

  • Weekly group coaching Q&A sessions on Zoom with fellow VIPs
  • 1:1 Voxer office hours with me
  • My personal video review of a strategy component of your choice
(total of $1146)
(total of $1098)

 “She helped open up new avenues of creative thought ... and was so generous with her resources and energy. It's clear she really enjoys what she does, and that helped an otherwise frustrating process seem fun! We are passionate about our mission, and she took that and fueled it into creativity where we were stuck!” 

Jane Kleiman
Owner, The Calm Within the Chaos

"Alycia is a creative and effective marketing manager. She boosted awareness of our show and supported our efforts as well. It was a true collaboration, but she provided the most effective tools: good artwork, snappy hooks, timely posts.

I'd hire her again in a second."

Dave Seamon

" ... my website had zero personality ... so my main goal was to put "me" into the business marketing and website. Alycia and her team knocked it out of the park! She made something uncomfortable (me talking about myself and putting myself out into the world) a fun and easy process ... it changed how I view myself in the business world."

Jessica Prohuska
Owner, Roots to Blooms Acupuncture


This is it. 

You’ve reached the very bottom of my sales page. 
There's nothing left to scroll.

You’ve hung in there with me to the very end, and I’ve got no more sparkles or jazz hands to show ya why I think this awesome course is gonna be great for you.

I just really hope you decide to grab a seat in class 'cuz I can't wait to see ya!

Remember: You are your brand.

Alycia Yerves